Bringing Parent-Identified Solutions to Texas Education

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Authentic stories, alleged by Texas parents, anonymized for student safety.

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"Sofia Sinton"

Sofia's parents sought justice for Sofía and protection for other kids after Sinton ISD harmed and terrorized her. Sinton ISD fought the parents. The TEA commissioner ruled against parents for not using the magic words. Many Texas parents can't afford or even find a lawyer to represent them against an ISD because there's no money in it, due to unconscionable sovereign immunity. ISD lawyers trap parents into a legalistic process after assuring them it is not a legal proceeding all through the grievance. At ALL LEVELS, parents are set up to lose. The ISD lawyer wears out the parent, while not even needing board authorization to bill many hours on work avoiding justice/reform. ISDs see and treat LAWS as mere suggestions; making a mockery out of lawmakers.


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