Bringing Parent-Identified Solutions to Texas Education

Be the HERO in your own child's education story

Article: Parents Back Plan for Public Education Inspector General

“We are pleased to see representatives who have personally engaged with the administrative and investigative processes in our schools are taking measures to level the playing field for parents and fix what’s clearly broken.

“Protecting children is a mandate,” she said during an online discussion last year.

“With more than 50 percent of the state budget spent on public education, Texas needs an inspector general for education to report fraud, waste, and abuse—especially abuses of parental rights and school employees who physically or sexually harm a child.

“Texas Education 911 believes an Inspector General can only be effective if it is truly an independent, third-party investigative body. The IG should be housed under the State Board of Education or the Attorney General’s office”

See story here


Commentary: Raw Truth About Texas Education Accountability

"The Texas Legislature has “made suitable provision for the support and maintenance of a system of public free schools.” The missing qualifier demanded by the constitution is efficiency. Public education is far from efficient in delivering the education defined in the Texas Constitution. Who will have the courage to call this out? We, the parents.

It’s time to call a spade a spade. Texas students are failing academically, and we can’t sugarcoat the harsh reality. ​

Money isn’t the problem—education is the largest line item in the state’s spending budget, but it isn’t being spent wisely. Texas public education has lost sight of its constitutional purpose, and it needs a major overhaul."

Read the full commentary here


Texas Ed 911 quoted with common sense question

Months after NEISD teacher (now former) was allowed to resign, external law enforcement arrested him. We asked the question: "Why didn't NEISD make this arrest months ago?"

To read more click here.


Open Letter to Rockwall ISD Trustees

The Rockwall ISD community bravely spoke out on allegations of a teacher sexually abusing a pre-school student. Texas Education 911 offered the Rockwall ISD school board suggestions on how to protect children, look into the matter, and on actions they can take within their authority. From the Open Letter:

"We believe it is critical for our state’s school boards to begin to understand the power and authority that they have and to begin partnering with parents and organizations like ours who can accompany those board members who truly seek the greatest good.

Trustees, you have the power and the authority to do better for students and families in your communities; and we have some ideas that will help you.

Across the state, we see so many squandered opportunities to put children, parents, and teachers first. We believe we can change that if we work together, understand the law, and embrace what public service at a school board level could and should be.". Click here to read full article.


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