Bringing Parent-Identified Solutions to Texas Education

Be the HERO in your own child's education story

Authentic stories, alleged by Texas parents, anonymized for student safety.

"Adina Allen"

When young Adina's teacher decided certain words written in Adina's notebook were "concerning," she reported the matter to a school counselor and principal. When they did not reach a parent by phone, they transported Adina to a children's hospital for a mental health evaluation. The parents found out about the school's outrageous actions when the hospital called to request legally required parental consent for treatment. School counselors warned parents if they did not consent, social services would be on their way. After several traumatic hours "in holding," the parents were able to take their traumatized daughter home. School only dropped social service threats after parents revealed their knowledge of administrative cover up of oral sex acts taking place on the school's playground.


"Carlos Canyon"

Pre-schooler Carlos is released from school with another child's prescription pill bottle. He was able to open the bottle full of pills. After this potentially-deadly event, the district downplayed its harmfulness and danger and mistreated the mom. Endangering children and taking no responsibility or not holding the employee accountable is unacceptable. Districts know that with sovereign immunity, they do not need to take any responsibility for.....anything. We need reform and parental rights empowerment.


"Frankie Frisco"

Parents have concerns about mixed-use bathroom safety. Attorney General opinion favoring the parent's position was ignored by the Frisco ISD board, which then planned to meet as a group of four, in violation of TOMA, to collude with an activist group. Three trustees are on video. Audio recording of the meeting reveals parents are considered a "hate group." These three target yet another trustee over false allegations related to transgender issues. This prevailing anti-parent, anti-lawfulness attitude proves parents and good trustees need help. These types of things happen ALL across Texas


"Callie Canyon"

Callie suffered indecent assault in band class. There was witness corroboration. Principal conducted interviews and sent the attacker back to class with no action. Canyon ISD violated penal code, shredded witness statements, obstructed police investigation, and failed to comply with Texas Education Code and Title IX requirements or to notify police or parents. School Board recognized principal violated policies, but no reprimands were made. TEA responded to ethics complaint with a suggestion parents go through the local grievance process. That had already taken place. This shows the TEA didn't thoroughly consider the facts.


"Polly Plainview"

Polly was sexually assaulted in her public school. A boy forced her to put his penis in her mouth under the school desk in the presence of the teacher. He also exposed his genitals to Polly in the cafeteria. Plainview ISD says the perpetrator, the boy, is a victim and the act was "consensual". School police got involved in the investigation, creating a conflict of interest. Families like Polly's, across Texas, won't get justice or protection for their kids under today's education laws. Laws lack enforcement!


"Sofia Sinton"

Sofia's parents sought justice for Sofía and protection for other kids after Sinton ISD harmed and terrorized her. Sinton ISD fought the parents. The TEA commissioner ruled against parents for not using the magic words. Many Texas parents can't afford or even find a lawyer to represent them against an ISD because there's no money in it, due to unconscionable sovereign immunity. ISD lawyers trap parents into a legalistic process after assuring them it is not a legal proceeding all through the grievance. At ALL LEVELS, parents are set up to lose. The ISD lawyer wears out the parent, while not even needing board authorization to bill many hours on work avoiding justice/reform. ISDs see and treat LAWS as mere suggestions; making a mockery out of lawmakers.


"Angel Anonymous"

Kids and teachers placed into danger from violent student. Porn being viewed in class by children on school laptop. Principal ignores problems, complaints, enlists help of supervisor to intimidate and target teachers who speak up. Parents have no recourse. Grievance after grievance is totally ignored.


"Ben Boerne"

A psychologist is allowed on campus by multiple layers of staff and gives a presentation to kids during lunch periods about highly sensitive topics, including treatment options for gender transitioning, without any parental permission or knowledge. Anti-Christian messaging. The sponsoring student club has frequent Governor Abbott- and U.S. Rep. Chip Roy- bashing presentations, using district resources to tell kids how to vote, which is illegal. Special needs student, Ben, is bullied at school after he and his mother sounded the alarm. A counselor interrogated Ben, intimidating him and retaliating against him for speaking at a public board meeting. Parental rights were violated and message is clear that if a teen talks, he or she will be TARGETED, and staff will not act when students bully him or her.


"Lynnette Leander"

Lynnette, a minor, was searched in the bathroom, including under her bra, by 2 district staff without parental notification or consent. Parent was not notified even after the search. Lynnette was subjected to multiple subsequent searches. Leander ISD has produced no evidence or explanation for any of the searches. All searches have produced nothing of note. District is claiming that Lynnette is lying to her mom about the searches. All communication from the district to this single mom now includes district's legal counsel; this single mom feels targeted and retaliated against.


"Francine Frisco"

Francine was an honor roll student with a great record. She did suffer from depression and perpetuating school-based bullying. Frisco ISD decreed that, based on a photo, Francine had taken alcohol to school. She was interrogated and coerced into signing a confession for supplying alcohol to other students, which she had not done. Francine had no representation of any kind and received no Miranda rights. She was placed in school jail (DAEP) for 45 school days, where she was deprived of her honors-level education. In DAEP, she was surrounded by drug dealers, child sexual offenders, and kids who'd taken guns to school. There, to cope, she started taking Xanax supplied by a DAEP drug dealer. Ultimately, DAEP destroyed this child's education and created an addict. 2 years later, Francine is now finishing up time in a sober living community.


"Pilar Prosper"

With toddler and newborn siblings at home, Pilar was thrilled to ride the bus home from school. Her family befriended the driver, even giving him a photo of Pilar in a school bus frame. The bus was often late in the afternoons, sometimes by hours. Pilar was the last child to be dropped off. District officials always gave a reasonable excuse. Pilar's parents were shocked when, the next year, Pilar's bus driver was arrested for repeatedly molesting two sisters, ages five and seven, for an entire year. They had been the last children on his bus. PISD suppressed the incident from the public for 3-1/2 months, only notifying "affected families" 133 days later. Pilar's parents are deeply concerned that she was also victimized. The perpetrator has died. PISD has provided no apology, answers, nor resources. Psychologists told Pilar's parents they lost a lot of time and her evaluation is inconclusive. They, "have to learn to be ok not knowing."


"Nora North"

Two curriculum directors were caught on hidden camera saying the ban on CRT doesn’t matter. One explains they can keep teaching it because no parent wants to go through the difficult process to prove it. Nora's parents are scared they will be targeted like others have been. Across the state, there is no enforcement of ISD-related laws because, really, "laws are just suggestions" to school districts. When parents try to alert districts of problems, districts lawyer up. Parents lose nearly every time, and taxpayer dollars are wasted on school district attorneys, rather than on educating children in COMPLIANCE with law.


"McAllen Siblings"

Three young McAllen kids have been subjected to physical assaults at school. School says "there's nothing we can do to prevent these situations." School is not documenting physical assaults - making the situations a "he said, she said" involving the word of the children against administrators. Parent had documented evidence of assault on one child, only to find that a teacher tried to convince the child that the assault didn't happen! School districts do not want their accountability ratings to be lowered by excessive documented violence.


"Caryn Canyon"

Little Caryn was sexually harassed and physically assaulted in classroom bathroom by a male classmate. Canyon ISD failed to protect Caryn. Her parents were told the boy would be in class the next day. When the parent asked how Caryn would be protected, the principal gaslit and spoke hatefully toward the parent, accusing them of wasting the principal's time. The principal was annoyed by the parent thinking any intervention was needed after Caryn faced "only the one" sexual and physical assault incident.


"Peter Prosper"

Peter, with no disciplinary history, was given mandatory 30 days DAEP placement. Peter had left campus for lunch, and upon returning, refused to allow administrators to search his vehicle. Administrators justified the request for search because, "anytime a student leaves campus and comes back, they are up to no good." Administrators justified the DAEP placement because student and parents did not allow vehicle search, so, "student must have had drugs." No evidence. No due process.


"Will Waller"

Just weeks before graduation, a large group of football players tracked down and attacked a varsity baseball senior after practice. Several times that school day, the AP had been warned the football players were planning something against the baseball players. The AP and coaches ignored the concerns. Will, the victim, was sentenced to DAEP for 30 school days even though video evidence proves he never raised his baseball bat to defend himself during the attack. The SRO intimidated Will by saying if Will filed charges against the attackers, Will would go to jail. Because of administration's actions, Will missed out on end of year senior activities and baseball recruiting opportunities, all despite being the victim and never having been in trouble all 12 years at the district. Will suffered greatly by the lack of due-process for DAEP placements, including being on suicide watch for several weeks. Waller ISD is not unique in acting with disregard to due process, facts, or truth. In Texas, there is NO oversight and NO way to stop ISD's.


"Laurie Lovejoy"

Parent OPT-OUTs being totally ignored. Lovejoy ISD is giving Laurie access to optional digital materials her parent opposed, explicitly, in writing. Schools are giving Laurie and other kids intrusive online surveys about their mental and emotional health, against parental OPT-OUTs. Surveys attempt to get children to find a mental health problem where one may not even exist but for the way the questions are posed to the MINOR, with the goal of getting the child to refer themselves to a counselor. Data is being collected that is none of the school's business, and Laurie's parent cannot get Lovejoy ISD to release what private information was collected, or confirm whether it was deleted. While the School and Software company have access, Laurie and friends' parents DON'T!


"Kristen Kipp"

KIPP promises equity to Latino, black and underprivileged children. They withheld from parents that a sexualized game was taught in 7th grade by two teachers: "Bear, Hunter and Hooker." This game required students to pose as a "seducing hooker" or a hunter pointing a "gun" at another student. Kristen's parent filed a grievance asking for parents to be notified that the game took place. The grievance took 5 1/2 months to be decided, the board siding with all 3 earlier administrative grievance level denials that this game - involving a hooker - in any way sexualized students.


"Lizzie Leander"

7th Grade English teacher requires Lizzie and her classmates to create two social media accounts. The teacher encourages them to set up one of the two on Tinder, which is an adult dating app. All of this is done without parental permission. Leander ISD administration claims it was not a "real" assignment, just a "make believe" activity. District refuses to turn over lesson plans one week in advance so that the parent can approve lessons or choose to exempt Lizzie from a particular lesson, as the law permits. Leander ISD claims they don't do lesson plans, and therefore can't release any.


"Hector Henderson"

A student was threatening Hector with murder. The Assistant Principal dismissed the reporting of the threat as being just a popular phrase among kids. After that, Hector was physically assaulted 3 separate times. The AP said it wasn't bullying, and nothing was done to punish anyone. The third time, the violence wasn't even reported by the substitute teacher. Finally, the fourth time a bully took a swing at Hector, he hit back in self-defense and was punished with ISS for "mutual combat." The AP gave no consideration for self-defense because he unilaterally decreed the prior threats and beatings were "unrelated." They weren't. The parent had to withdraw Hector to homeschool, to keep him safe.


"Cooper Coppell"

Cooper accurately reported the teaching of unlawful curriculum. Teacher retaliated by abusing Anonymous Tip Line to falsely accuse teen of making a terroristic threat. Administration sentences innocent teen with excellent academic and behavior record to District Alternate Education Placement with NO DUE PROCESS. Parents had to withdraw Cooper as protection. Coppell ISD continues to withhold evidence. TEA ignored directive from Governor Abbott to investigate. Attorney General and TEA Commissioner failed to act when petitioned. Parents' expenses are enormous. There is nothing - NOTHING - to protect kids. Lawmakers hold the keys to stopping or allowing continued abuses.


"Candice Canyon"

Candice was repeatedly verbally and mentally harassed by her male athletic coach including at least 6 times in the locker room, when Candice was alone with him. The coach's aggression was documented for 2 years. The school failed to protect Candice. The parent filed a grievance, and all of a sudden, Child Protective Services is knocking at the parent's door due to false claims of starvation and abuse made (presumably) by the athletic coach as RETALIATION for trying to get help for the coach's harassment. School board sides with the coach and administration. No one at school stopped the harassment-via-CPS of the family. This is the culture of many ISDs in Texas.


"Evan Eagle"

Evan received a 30 days' District Alternate Education Placement after he was seen in a video with another student who used a racial slur in a joking manner. Evan did not use the slur, has no disciplinary history, has good grades, and is involved in extracurricular activities. The video in question was filmed over a year before the DAEP sentencing was made and did not involve threats towards any other student. When parent showed the ISD policy was not followed, administrator changed reason for DAEP from bullying to improper use of a school device, which ALSO didn't apply. Innocent Evan and his parents received NO DUE PROCESS.


"Aliya Allen"

Aliya was not supposed to be psychologically examined by her school. Her parent had opted her out of such testing. Allen ISD officials simply ignored the parent and subjected Aliya to testing. The district deflected all blame for violating the parent's opt out by stating the parent had completed the "Technology Use Authorization," and that justified the examination since it had been done on a school device. A parent's Opt-Out and Opt-In must be obeyed by ISDs and failure to do so must have consequences, reparation and full disclosure, for starters.


"Wyatt Waller"

Wyatt's school would not release him to his parent, who needed to take Wyatt to a doctor appointment. The school wanted to delay releasing Wyatt by 25 minutes, and refused to call the teacher to have Wyatt sent to the front desk. An employee told the parent NOT to text Wyatt, and threatened that if the parent did, Wyatt's phone would be confiscated and the parent charged a $15 fine. There was no testing going on at the time. The district, for months, has not given an explanation. It was scary for the parent to think, "What if Wyatt hadn't had a phone?" The school had the power to keep him from his parent for ANY reason or NO reason at all. Schools do not respect parents or parental rights.


"Harry Houston"

Though not the one disrupting class, Harry had his neck grabbed from behind by his teacher. In surprise, he dropped to his knees and she did not release him, instead dragging him across the floor by the neck. Her fingernail marks remained after 3 hours.

The ISD refused to include photo evidence of the fingernail marks in the grievance paperwork, or to include the statement by the investigator that the teacher "showed no remorse". The district said, "...we do not believe the teacher's actions rise to the level of conduct that would merit a recommendation to terminate her employment."


"Lorelai Leander"

Lorelai is beaten to a PULP in a bus loading zone; beaten so badly she needed ambulance assistance and hospitalization. No adults were present, and allegedly no cameras. Leander ISD filed no incident report, as required by law, allowing serious violence to be covered up. Schools know reporting violence affects accountability ratings.

Lorelai's parent requested all high school incident reports over 18-month period and Leander ISD wants to charge $9,000 to produce the documents. Lawmakers rely on ISD testimony and reputation, but PARENTS know the truth about ISDs and the legal tricks and loopholes they use to avoid those very same lawmakers' laws.


"Mary Montgomery"

Sweet Mary was physically assaulted in the bathroom on campus in a coordinated attack for rejecting attempts by an older student to groom her. The grooming attempts are documented and were presented to the school. Nonetheless, Mary was sentenced to the same punishment as the violent perpetrator and videographer of the bathroom beating.

Administrators said Mary had engaged in mutual combat, for defending herself, and may have been able to avoid punishment if she had just "curled into a ball" and let them beat her, or if she had made it successfully to the bathroom entrance. Child victims of school-based bullying, assaults, and sexual affronts are punished every day in every part of Texas. Until lawmakers act, kids will continue to be harmed.


"Esteban East"

Esteban, who had never been in trouble before, was falsely placed into District Alternate Education Placement ("School Jail") for 60 school days without early release. District administration refused to tell Esteban's parent what he had done to deserve school jail, withheld innocence-proving video evidence and witness statements, and kept changing the story about what he had done.

The district actors avoided justice and facts throughout the rigged grievance process, denied Esteban due process and failed to protect him, including the school board who refused to intervene, even after viewing the exonerating video.

Appeals to the TEA proved pointless as state statute allows school districts to be judge and jury of their own actions. Stories like this happen daily in Texas.


"Palvi Prosper"

Palvi, who has a disability, was harassed, ridiculed, and discriminated against by several athletic coaches. They knew she had a 504 plan, but refused to follow it because athletics were not specifically mentioned.

Coaches manipulated her playing time and statistics to keep her from making the varsity team, and punished her for behavior that was a manifestation of her disability.


"Harmon Henderson"

Young Harmon was attacked and choked by a bully in the presence of a teacher's aide who did nothing to intervene or get help until Harmon was unconscious on the floor. Parent was never notified and administration didn't disclose the video showing the strangulation. Acted like it never happened. The aide is a first degree relative of Assistant Principal.

Harmon's parent was told they couldn't file a grievance. This lie caused the parent to miss the filing deadline. The aide received a job promotion just weeks after this incident.

Across Texas, ISD lawyers defend the idea that administrators can lie to parents. "'They're not under oath.'" Terrifying stories like Harmon's happen regularly in Texas. Schools endanger kids, don't notify parents and hide evidence.


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